The world “selfie” is Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2013 which means selfie (n), informal (also selfy; plural selfies) — a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website. Source Now a new word has emerged from this word and it’s called #selfeet. But before this word was discover and associated with the feet, I already had my pieces of #selfeet photos from the previous years. Here are few of them. Pictures where taken in various places, in and outside the Philippines. I hope you…
These are the types of girlfriends according to Ms Always Sick – Quite predictable and miserable always, this type of girlfriend is a constant whiner and always seems to be pale and ill. The biggest threat with this type of girlfriend is that her attitude can be contagious and you may also feel as sick as her. Ms Know It All – This type of girlfriend is very demanding and commanding. She doest not request you to do a thing but orders you to stand straight, change the tie or the job amongst many other things. She is quite…
You’ll definitely love these games especially created for girls to enjoy. Rekindle your childhood memories while playing your dolls with’s Dress up game.