Oh! Hello there again my blog! Yeah, I know it’s been a while since my last entry and I’m just so excited to start sharing our journeys again. I’ve been busy with a lot of other things but had managed to fulfill some of my greatest travel wishes. Can’t wait to share them so I’ll start with this one. Ever since I was a child, I always wonder how the snow looks like and how would it feel touching it. I believe this is the same sentiment for those wonderers who live in tropical countries. While this is not my…
First, I want to greet every woman in the planet a Happy Women’s Day! Celebrating this day makes me realize how lucky we are to be created as woman. Let us all remember are worth in the society, continue to shower love and passion to others and most especially remain to be a woman of beauty, integrity and power!
We had a chance to have dinner twice in one of the romantic and old restaurants in Baguio – the Hill Station. Our first visit was in April 29, 2013 when Hon had his Rib Eye steak and Vanilla shake and for me, a cup of latte and a slice of cheesecake. We both agreed that the food is great so we made a pact to come back again. And so we’re back last June 13, 2014. The following photos are what we ordered last April 29, 2013 (good thing, the photos have dates :P). Rib…
Part of our itinerary in Hong Kong is a visit to Cheung Chau Island. I have to mention “Biyahe ni Drew” again because we learned this place from one of his Hong Kong episodes. This place completed our list of things to do to have a laid-back vacation in Hong Kong. The island is small but definitely has a lot of exciting things to offer. As a matter of fact, I don’t know where to start! For us, going to Cheung Chau Island is a breeze. Well… the only challenge is the long walking to get to the Central terminal in a…
I received this message last two weeks ago and I’m just overwhelmed. Thanks to Trip Advisor for recognizing “womenality” (me, of course) as one of the Top 8% Most Read Reviewers of all time and to their readers who voted my reviews as helpful. I hope to contribute more… You can ready my Trip Advisor Reviews here. All of them are also discussed in complete details here in my blog.