Got the irritating and embarassing black underarm?
For most girls, having black underarm is irritating. For boys, it is a complete turn-off. It’s summer once again and long sleeves dress are certainly off for this season. It’s time to show some skin with your sleeveless dresses while beating the heat and feeling comfortable.
Girls that have black underarms look at this opportunity to be fresh as frustrating times of their lives. If you are one of them, then here are some suggestions that you can do so your black underarms won’t let you down.
1. Avoid using deodorant. I believe that deodorants are culprits to achieve that white underarms but for most girls (especially those who are perspiring a lot) this is a necessity. If you’re at home, I highly suggest that don’t apply any deodorant.
2. Do not shave. Shaving is indeed another main cause of having black underarms. Waxing can be irritating and painful but it’s worth it. If you can’t do it by yourself, try to go to experienced salon to do it for you. If you have spare money, it would also be good to remove underarm hair via laser procedure. Most beauty salon and spa are offering this service. Just be careful with the price and their procedure. Tip: Ask for their most advance laser hair removing. I tried it before and there’s this service which is done within 5 minutes. Kinda’ expensive but worth the try since it also has reduced chicken skin.
3. Never ever use astringent. You’re already suffering from black underarms so please do not even try to irritate it more. I’ve known some girls who are trying to solve this problem by applying harmful chemicals.Believe me, they’ve suffered more.
4. Whitening Underarm Treatment. Seek help from experts about different procedures that will be applicable to you. Or, try to find products that are made to treat this area. Just read the labels.
5. Try natural solutions. The www has a lot of information for this topic. I’ll try to look for some solutions, of which ingredients can only be found in your kitchen in the coming days.