Hello Ms. Liberty, Finally We Meet!
When I had a clear glimpse of the Statue of Liberty from the ferry, I asked Hon, “is She green?”
He answered, “yes!” with enthusiasm.
It was 10 years ago when I was granted with a 10-year multiple-entry B1/B2 U.S. visa but it’s only this year that I’m able to use it. I’m just glad that I’ve waited for the right time to explore one of the most notable states in America – New York! Because it’s definitely worth the wait.
We bought our pass to the New York Statue of Liberty Pedestal & Ellis Island from Klook one week before our departure. We really wanted to reach the crown but our chosen date is already full so if you want to reach the crown, I recommend that you purchase your ticket in advance. There is a fee of $3.00 per ticket for crown access. You can buy at statuecruises.com.
It was a fair yet cold day going to the island. Hon and I were so excited to meet Ms. Liberty face-to-face. Finally, when I had a clear glimpse of the Statue of Liberty from the ferry, I asked Hon, “is She green?” And he answered, “yes!” with enthusiasm.
As much as we are excited to get up close to Her, our starving tummies did not cooperate so we decided to have our breakfast first at the Crown Cafe.

Crown Cafe, Liberty Island
New York, United States of America
After recharging, we headed to the museum. We really enjoyed learning the interesting facts and timeline of the Statue of Liberty. I highly recommend that you visit the museum first so you will have a clear understanding of its importance in history. There are also memorabilias and miniature versions of the statue there.
Then, we went to the Pedestal area to see what she is made of inside. And she is made of steel. Here’s a peek of how it looks like from below.

New York, United States of America
The last part of the tour is definitely the most exciting one – taking pictures! We spent more than an hour outside, even if it’s -4 C during that time just to take digital evidences of our meet up. Luckily, there were only few tourists roaming around so we had the chance take as much pictures as we want, alone with the Statue of Liberty herself.

New York, United States of America
As we all know, there are a a lot of beautiful places to visit in the United States of America, but it’s unarguable that the Statue of Liberty equates to the fame of where it’s situated – New York. We consider ourselves blessed and fortunate to finally meet “Her Highness”.
P.S. Please follow me on Instagram and Twitter for more photos about our adventures in the United States of America.
Date: February 2, 2019
Traveled as a couple
Tour Details: New York Statue of Liberty Pedestal & Ellis Island Tour. Use coupon code TRAVGOALSUS to save 10%. See also Klook for more details.