
Is Cebu Pacific’s Seat Sale for Real?

08/20/2011 liza 0Comment

As a frequent traveler, I always want to get the lowest airfare. Of course! I heard and read in some blogs that there are some who were able to get Cebu Pacific’s P1so fare. But it’s been more than a year already since I learned this promo and I still have no luck on getting one. I know it’s part of the marketing strategy but I can’t help and be get annoyed. Sometimes, I could come across the sale fare (one way) but when I try to check the fare of flight back to Manila, the price is almost doubled, sometimes tripled. Argh… I’m not bitter but just annoyed because I’ve wasted so much time browsing their website. So I think I will only believe that this seat sale is for real once I, myself be able to book it.

I wonder how many seats are available for P1so. Maybe 1? If yes, then that sucks!

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