Travel blogs are boring without pictures to look at. As a travel blogger, I know the importance of visual proofs that I’ve been to a place. Thus, pictures are essential part of my posts. However, huge pictures directly uploaded from cameras can cause the slow loading of your blog. Uploading many pictures could also slow you down in finishing a post. I know that most bloggers already know this but for those who haven’t, here are two tips that will make your life easier and your site load faster. These techniques are easy to do and can be done in…
Looking for more women inspired WordPress themes? Here’s an interesting list that will surely captivate and mesmerized your eyes with its beauty and details.
Want a trendier and more chic themes for your girly blog? Then, here’s a new exciting collection of woman inspired Blogger themes that will cater your needs. Some of them are Adsense ready and can be added with any widgets of your choice. See all of these themes at If you’re looking for WordPress women inspired themes, see Female WordPress Themes
I was browsing for some interesting blogs of my same topic then I spotted this list from Adam. It was a nice list even though I haven’t pay a visit to all of them. I’m hoping to be included in the list for this year. The post was post on February 5, 2009. See the complete list here – 100 Must Read Blogs by Women Hey Adam, if you happen to make a list again for this year, contact me and I’ll be glad to provide you more info about Womenality. =)